Thursday, May 13, 2010

Week 1

So this is the plan. Buy a cheap truck(must be 4 wheel drive)Cost $1000, Buy a camper (Must be light...and cheap)Cost $1500, and See how far they will take me. I did do some minor alterations (less than $500) Including new wheels, Strap the motorcycle to the back and just go. So here is the setup in all its glory. Day 1 Left Utah and drove all day in the rain stopping for the night in Idaho falls. Day 2 drove all day in the rain to Missoula Montana where I stopped at the local Hooters to play some live poker and watch game 7 of the nba finals. Me and the Celtics didn't fare so well. Day 3 drove to Kalispell MT and spent the day on the bike in Glacier NP. Found some nice backroads around the other side of the lake. It was Saturday so it was nice to get away from the crowds. The Canada port crossing through Glacier was closed so I will have to go through Eureka. Week 1 continued on to Canada...