Friday, August 6, 2010

Prudhoe Bay

Dalton Highway 414 miles of dirt road that begins 80 miles North of Fairbanks and ends in the oilfields of Prudhoe Bay. The most Northern Highway is one of the few highways where you cover three distinct types of terrain. Boreal forest, The highest mountain pass in the state known as Atigun pass, and Arctic tundra. The first stop is Yukon river for fuel and then another 60 miles to the Arctic circle. Close up of the pipeline, and Coldfoot. The town named for gold miners who got cold feet when winter approached and left the area. Have to fill up here and carry an extra gas can because there are no services for 240 miles to Deadhorse. Post office in the town of Wiseman. Finally after dodging semi trucks and trying to keep the bike up through the loose gravel sections I finally reach Prudhoe Bay. Definitely one of the most amazing rides and experiences I have ever had. 4 days and 850 miles of remote, beautiful backcountry later I am back in Fairbanks.

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