Friday, August 20, 2010

Wrangell - St. Elias National park

The largest national park in the United States by area, covering over 13 million acres. Nine of the 16 highest peaks on U.S. soil are located in the park, along with North America's largest subpolar icefield, glaciers, rivers, an active volcano, and the historic Kennecott copper mines. rode the motorcycle down a 60 mile dirt road, built on top of the old railroad tracks, into the park where they were holding their annual music festival. A bunch of people hiked to the "toe" of boot glacier and pitched their tents.

1 comment:

  1. The pic of the mountain is pretty! :] loL...2day is the last day of summer and it was my last chance to get up early (7am for me is really And ride my bike down to I finally did it...yay! lol
