Monday, September 13, 2010


Ferry ride across the Yukon river and It's Dawson and Diamond tooth Gerties. She differentiated herself from Klondike Kate by having a diamond wedged between her front teeth. Lots of History all around town. Some of the buildings have been updated and many are in the process of falling over. Cabins of Robert Service and Jack London


  1. Holy Fudrucking shiznits! Your trip is legendary. Nothing short of an epic journey that will etch its way into the history books, pushing aside Lewis and Clark's now irrelevant endeavors. There was a time and place when the west was the only place to explore. Now Clay Olsen takes the journey further than many men dare to go, inside. I've been taking a few spontaneous trips out and about but causes my manhood to shrink gradually as I compare it to your accounts. Keep up the pictures. Keep up the blogging and for the good of everything, keep up the love. Nobody forgoes a home for that long unless they understand their home is on the road. As far my writing goes my fine bearded friend... I'm actually doing it. I can't believe it, but I'm really fucking doing it. God Bless you Clay!

  2. Diamond tooth Gerties really makes me think...Hmmm, maybe I could use something like that to set me apart, you know, so I would stand out, be special. How does Cubic Zirconia Tooth Dan sound? (Diamonds are expensive.)
